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These jokes/stories are collections that I have obtained from friends
over the years. In many cases I don't know the author or even the source
of where they came from, so don't ask! You'll find that many probably
aren't humerous, but too bad... I have a sick sense of humor, so you
can suffer. I at least rated these jokes by the color of the dot that
they have received. Now, are you ready for:

= Fantastic!
= Humorous
= Good
= Not So Good
= Only If You're Bored
= On the serious side

Tests, Studies, and Occupations
Artifacts Lie in the Eye of the Beholder
The Official Moron Test
Engineering the Human Body
Illegal Nerd Baiting
An Engineer's Bet
High Speed Chickens!
Computer Monkeys
The Night Before Finals
Three Engineers vs. Three Mathematicians
Math High School Proficiency Exam
Final Exam
Tough College Entrance Exam Questions
What the Professor Really Means
A Doctor, a Lawyer, and an Engineer...
The Bricklayer's Report
Engineers are Important, Too!
Stupid Criminals Hall of Shame
Foolish Acts
Stupid Headlines
More Stupid Headlines
You May Be an Engineer if...
What if Dr. Seuss Did Technical Writing?
Washington Post: Silly Contest
The Engineer in Hell
Cool Corporate Lingo
Dilbert's Laws of Work
5 surgeons taking a coffee break...
Engineers Explained
Jeff Foxworthy's Quiz for Engineers

Politically Incorrect...
The Ant & The Grasshopper
The Farmer and the Blonde
Man's 25 Rules for Women
Politically Correct Version of Little Red Riding Hood
Revision Of Snow White
If I Had Two Cows
Bill's Prostitute
Hilary's a What?
The Democratic Puppies
Bill and the Magic Genie
Boys Save Clinton
Letters to Welfare
Lawyers and Politicians
How to Tell Democrats From Republicans
A Politically Correct Lawyer's Christmas
Noah and the Ark (as it would be now)

Religious Humor
I Believe!!
Golfer's Hell
Collection of Church Announcements
A Pastor Goes Visiting
Why God Never Received Tenure
12 Reasons Why a Local Clergyman Stopped Attending Athletic Constests
Peanut m&m's

Sick Computer Humor
If Microsoft Built Cars...
Bill's Pie Toss (Screen Saver)
How Many Microsoft Programmers Does It Take...
If Microsoft Built Cars
How Things Would Be Different If Microsoft Were Located In Georgia!
Are Computers Male or Female?
Evolution of the System Administrator
Evloution of a Programmer
Clinton, Yeltsin, and Gates meet God
Bill Gates Visits the Afterworld
Jokes about Intel's Pentium
Watch for these Viruses
Is Windows A Virus?
Crappy AOL Disks
Five reasons computers must be female...
True Computer Support Stories
Jokes about Windows / Win95
Redneck Computer Lingo
Instructions for Microsoft's New TV Dinner Product

Other Junk (but probably funnier)
How To Clean A Cat
The Funeral March
A little New Mexican Attitude
Ghandi meets Mary Poppins
You're a Jack*&$
Car Loan
The Darwin Awards
Wrong Telephone Number
A Boy and his Frog
On Trial for Murder
Little Truisms
The Miraculous Hamster
Wacky Irony
Just Like a Man!!
The 1997 Darwin Awards
Interesting Situations
Beer and Ice Cream Diet
A Really Bad Day
Here Kitty, Kitty
Cleaner Polishes Off Patients
The Rat in the Tailpipe
Accidental Accident Reports
Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide
The Bass Strings in Beethoven's Ninth
27 Good Reasons Why A Beer is Better Than a Woman
Missouri Blondes
The Vampire's Tea
What Women Really Mean
The Rules Involved In A Good, Working Relationship
Women Jokes
More Than Fifty Ways To Get Rid Of Blind Dates
Common Lies You Should Avoid
Kids Say The Darndest Things
Young Turbo Man vs. Oldman Moped
Why Stay Single
The Engineer's Song
The Diary of a Mad Digital Homeowner
If Dr. Seuss wrote for Star Trek: the Next Generation...
Good Phone Lines?
Places not to Urinate
14 Ways to Annoy Public Bathroom Stallmates
The Epic of the Baked Beans
Top 16 Ways to Tell if a Redneck is Working at a Computer in your Office
Rednecks Driving Drunk
Redneck Etiquette
Parrot for Dinner

Lawyer Jokes
Stupid Attorney