I would be dressed in such garb in order for the message of this sermon to so stick in your mind as a thorn does in your toe inside of your shoe.
On our streets folk are all dressed alike because it is the fad. Very unique haircuts; It looks as if a bowl has been placed on the head and the barber ran his electric clippers around the bottom of the bowl and then charged you at a minimum of $15.00.
According to the information I read in the newspaper the latest fad for women is wanting their hair dyed red. Now I enjoy redheads. As a matter of fact one of the gals I dated off and on while in high school had beautiful read hair. And the very first female I dated in college had original red hair. She was Arlene's roommate.
Each person states he or she wants to be different, but aren't you like thousands of other students in the schools and colleges of today.
$60.00 tennis shoes( we used to call them), cost us for the best, $1.95. $80.00, jeans with holes in the knees or patched with some bright colors. We were mortified to have to wear such clothes to school, all the other kids would taunt us. $100.00 denim jackets, (all washed out and faded). I can hear you say, "where did this guy come from, another planet?" What about pierced ears, nose,(only females did this stuff). And the very latest, a pierced belly-button with a safety pin thrust through it and snapped shut.
Why is it we Christians do all we can to hide the fact that Jesus Christ is our Savior? We do everything we can to fit into our culture. We absolutely do not want to be known as some kind of a religious freak?
What about this line. All paths lead to the same God. A new concept, No! Satan has been telling the same lie since the very beginning of time. Satan, does not want you to know that there is only ONE WAY to come into the presence of the living God.
Several years ago I was seated in the airport waiting room preparing to catch the local bus . Seated on the same bench were a number of Pakistani men in the uniform of the Army. The gentlemen seated next to me asked, "Are you from England or the United States ?" I informed him I was from the United States. "What are you doing here" was his next question and I informed him of my mission in Pakistan. Then, he turned to me, and very seriously said, " Have you ever studied Islam?" My reply was, "Yes. but I believe in Jesus Christ and I am a Christian. Our discussion came to a end.
The Gospel writers and the disciples laid their lives on the line because of what they had seen with their own eyes and heard with their own ears. It was not hearsay!!!
How do I know individuals in the day of Christ really saw him after the Resurrection. Listen to this scripture: I Corinthians 15 5 - 8. Verse 5 states, ...he appeared to Cephas (Peter) , then to the twelve. Verse 6 states, he appeared to more than five hundred; 7 states; he appeared to James (Jesus earthly brother) later beheaded for his belief in Jesus Christ,) then to all of the apostles, then Paul writes, " Last of all ...he appeared also to me."
These Scriptures give today's' Christian positive proof of life changing beliefs. Our lives are not built on cleverly devised tales. Even secular historians acknowledge Jesus Christ lived in the approximate time the New Testament states He did.
There are those in the Body of Christ who state, " There are other religious beliefs which are just as good as Christianity. Doesn't Islam teach the "brotherhood of all mankind?" Isn't that what Fahrakan has been using to call the "black men to follow him? How about Buddhism and its teaching of becoming "nothingness " , as the ultimate goal of mankind. Or Hinduism, where you can believe in many. many gods, and work your way to a better life on this earth by being reincarnated to a better position the next time around. How about the Latter Day Saints who teach that Jesus Christ is not the divine son of God. Or Christian Science which teaches that all of us are gods. Jesus Christ is only in your mind and the Holy Spirit is not a person. There is no Trinity.
All of these beliefs teach that mankind can work his way into the presence of God.
What is this nonsense which teaches that Jesus Christ has the only key to unlock the door to the House of God, and eternal life in His presence.
You do not have to believe this preacher, listen: to the Gospel according to John, a man who was as close to Jesus Christ as any living man could be. Here him:
Chapter 14 and verses 6 and 7: Jesus is speaking to the Apostle Thomas, Christ states:
Jesus doesn't pull any punches. Listen, Jesus says in no uncertain words: "I am the way - I am the truth. I am the life. Now, here this statement: No one COMES to the Father, but through me.
Note, Christ states, there is only one way to come into the presence of God. It is through Him. Not through Buddha, Hinduism, Farakahan, Joseph Smith, or his latter day follows. Jesus specifically states. "I am the only Person, Belief or Power whereby you can enter into the presence of the Holy God.
Satan has not changed a bit since the very beginning of mankind living on this earth. He has always been the deceiver. Always lying to mankind. In the very first encounter Satan had with humankind he started lying to us. Remember what he said to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. "Surely you will not die if you eat of the tree of knowledge. You will become like gods."
Mankind wants to be god!!! Mankind wants to make his own way . None of this free gift stuff. We listened to Satan in the garden and have ever since been attempting to make our own way in. One of the reasons we are so insistent on the teaching of EVOLUTION is, if we have progressed up the chain of evolution, if we evolved, then we do not have worry about being responsible to God. When the end of time comes for us on this earth, we can die like our favorite dog or cat and not worry about standing before God .We won't have to worry about giving an account for the deeds done in this body. We want to say that the Creation Story is only a myth, just like other myths in the field of literature. The Western society is challenging the Christian belief system as never before.. In the developing nations it is just the opposite. They are accepting the words of Jesus Christ as authentic. These people are building their lives on the teaching of the Bible. As a matter of fact the Bible S
Strong evangelical Christianity, outside of the western world is now invading nation after nation. Even within the Islamic controlled world there are thousands of secret believers in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. How do I know this to be true?
In Pakistan one religious radio Bible study course has many, many thousand of Muslims who are studying the Bible. So threatened are these countries, that when we were fighting to preserve the Saudi regime, our government had to agree we would not hold religious services openly for our troops, because of their fear some of their workers would convert. But it was O.K., , for them to convert any of our troops to Islam. Our government agreed to this stipulation. Why? Because we wanted to preserve our steady source of cheap oil. Now to my third point.
Peter has three times in the last few hours prior to the death of Christ, completely denied that he ever knew Jesus Christ, once even reverting to his fisherman language of cursing.
Here this: vs. 8 - "but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses even to the remotest part of the earth. vs. 9, And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight."
In the second chapter of Acts we have the record of the Holy Spirit coming on the assembled crowd with every person hearing the disciples speak . They heard the message in their own language. Now, the citizens of the city began to make fun of the speakers, one stated these men are full of new wine." Now listen, vs. 14: "But Peter taking his stand with the eleven, raised his voice and declared to them:....."
What happened between the night Peter had been cursing and saying he did not know a man named Jesus Christ, and the stand he took as recorded here.. It is further recorder , Peter was so empowered with the Word from God, that from one sermon, 3,000 men were converted to Jesus Christ. Does this sound like cleverly devised tales?
What changed the cursing Peter on the night Jesus was handed over to be crucified, into an individual who stood with the other eleven , and defended the action which was taking place.
What caused James, the brother of Jesus Christ, to stand so firmly for Jesus Christ, it is recorded he was beheaded by the Roman government? Christian tradition teaches, , Peter was crucified upside down for his belief. Even the loved Apostle John was banished to the Isle of Patmos, because he became one of the Sons of Thunder.
If there are other ways into the very Presence of God, why have thousands of individuals given their lives for their belief in Jesus Christ as the ONLY means whereby humankind can gain entrance into Gods' family.
Why aren't working your way toward the Celestial Kingdom where you can become like god and be married for time and eternity to your earthly wife??
If there is a better way into the Presence of God, why does this choir come and volunteer their talent and time to sing of the Glory of God. Why do these fine musicians play the organ and piano. They surely could make a lot more money playing in some place of amusement. Why does the choir director take time out of her busy schedule, working as a full time teacher and the mother of three., to lead the choir with music that brings the very Presence of God into our midst.
Are all of these folk believing in a fairy tale. Are the words and action recorded in the Old and New Testament cleverly devised tales?
Are you committed to being different because of Jesus Christ and what He is doing in your life?