The resistor - note that the leads are trimmed down alot and bent to
hit pin S2 exactly as well as avoid the flange sticking down from the GBA

The dimmer chip with wires on all pins except 5 and 6, which go to the
Afterburner light itself.

Note the dimmer chip "glued" to the mainboard via liquid electrical tape
in a spot where none of the pins would touch any stray mainboard contacts.
I applied the liquid electrical tape to the bottom of the dimmer chip
using a cut-off Q-tip (no fuzzies) and then taped it down with electrical
tape until the liquid electrical tape dried enough to hold the chip.

Closeup of the wiring additions to the mainboard. The black wire is simply
stripped of insulation far enough to fold over both pins 5 and 6, where it's
soldered to each pin.